Recommended Products & Discount Codes

Around here, we know that solid nutrition & hydration are essential for running performance.

Below are products that I use or recommend to my clients to support daily life & performance goals. There are tons of products out there, so if you need help figuring it all out, apply for nutrition coaching or a one-time consultation here.

If you need new product, we have also included a list of discount codes at the bottom of the page.

Hydration Products

Protein Powder & Collagen Peptides

Sports Fuel

Vitamin & Mineral Supplements



Discount Codes

Bonk Breaker • Use code: 20FEATHERBB for 20% off your first order on Amazon

Cheribundi • Use code: FUEL for 20% off

Chirp Use code: featherstone for 10% off

Go Sleeves • Use code: Meghann for 15% off

hDrop Wearable Hydration Monitor • Use code: FeatherstoneNutrition for 20% off

HydraPak– Use code: FEATHERSTONE10 for 10% off your purchase

Just Ingredients • Use Code: FEATHERS10 for 10% off

Liquid IV • Use code: FEATHERSTONENUTRITION for 20% off + FREE shipping

Momentous • Use code: Featherstun15 for 15% off

Never Second  • Use code: FEATHERSTONE25 for 10% off

RNWY Discount code: Feathers15 for 15% off automatically added with this link.

SaltStick Use code: 20FEATHERSS for 20% off your first order on Amazon

Skratch Labs • Use code: FEATHERSTONE20 for 20% off your first order

UCAN • Click on the UCAN link for 10% off or try a FREE sample pack just pay the cost of shipping (code automatically applied when you click the link).

VERB Energy Bars – Use code: FUEL4SOLE for 30% off

We may receive a commission from the sale of products linked to this page or when discount codes are used.